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Theory of N

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Posts posted by Theory of N

  1. Im not entirely sure I understand where Eevee fits into the grand scheme of things vis a vis these mixes, which are random Pokemon songs, but ok. Tunes sound good.

    Each remix is a musical embodiment of the type of the Pokemon. The sources were chosen from the generation of games in which the Pokemon was first introduced.

  2. nice =)

    on another note, WE DID DAT DUNK SQUAD LAST NIGHT. but we were terrible so we still lost twice. i think we did vi/darius/jarvan/trist ap/zac but i don't remember. we jumped a lot but mostly just died. first we turned into dank squad (at 3-12), then dink squad. there was a significant lack of SLAMMA JAMMA although we did facesmash an afk MF with all of our ults which was jawsome.

    I totally jumped on Zilean and killed him. Once.

  3. The Eevee EP was conceptualized by DarkeSword and, having no time to take on another project, he said he wanted someone else to tackle it. The concept of an album consisting of a track for each Eevee evolution (including the newly announced Sylveon and Eevee him/herself) caught my attention and I absolutely LOVE Pokémon, so I took on the challenge of putting together this album showcasing some of OC ReMix's talent. The remixes themselves are a musical embodiment of each Pokémon's type (aside from Sylveon, whose type was unknown at the time of creation) and are remixes of source tunes from the game in which the Pokémon first debuted. The artists did a FANTASTIC job of accomplishing this on such a short deadline (the album was 90% complete within a month) and everyone on the project was really easy to work with. Overall, a very fun project to direct and I'd do it again in a heartbeat. Enjoy the music! :D

  4. You also hate the smiles on children's faces and puppies, don't you? :P

    Not saying I hate the theme. It's definitely the most memorable one and it's not bad by any means. But it's on Ice Cap or Schala level to me.

    Word on the street is you're really bad at DuckTales. Like, really, really bad.
    Like, *seconds* away from world record time. y u no practice


  5. I'm just going to go ahead and throw it out there, because I'm sure a lot of us have been thinking it. Are we going to get the Moon Stage from NES DuckTales?

    I know for a fact we're not going to get an answer but I really hope the moon isn't picked. DuckTales is one of my favorite games and I love the soundtrack to death but I'm so sick of hearing the Moon theme.

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