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Posts posted by Mukaro

  1. Pokemon snap if that counts :P.

    Superman 64... I didn't really LIKE the game but I mean.. I thought it was hilariously bad. Playing it was funny. Thankfully I only rented it, though still kinda a waste of money but some good laughs :).

    Ren and Stimpy: Veediots for SNES

    Power Rangers the Movie for Sega Genesis

    Sonic Adventure 2: Battle for Gamecube if that counts as crap.

    Rampage for N64.. pretty crappy.

    Gauntlet for Gamecube.. how repetetive.. but fun.

    MC Kids for NES. I used to play that like crazy with my bro when I was a wee lad. Haha it was trying to be so kid-friendly. Geez they made the characters a white kid and a black kid. How thoughtful. Fun though.. I gotta say. I HAVE to admit too.. I was playing this a few days ago XP. Nice game though it's all about McDonalds.

    A Boy and His Blob for NES... don't know what else to say about this.. I had my fun with it though heh.

    Darkman for Gameboy.. game made me laugh my ass off. It SUCKED though. I'd just play it for quick kicks and laughs.

    Buster Busts Loose for SNES.. Tiny Toons game.. yeah. Pretty short, nice platformer.

    Pacman 2: The New Adventures. Um well.. it was interesting. It was different. It was short, but a nice change from usual games, though Pacman was kinda a prick sometimes and wouldn't listen to you. You basically have a slingshot and that's how you interact with Pacman besides telling him to look in certain directions. It was hilarious too, the interactive environments. You could shoot people and they'll get mad at Pacman, break stuff.. AND another thing! Pacman had so many different emotions that would effect like what actions he'd do in certain scenarios. Pretty tight game.. Give it a try if you find the time.. and if you can find the game XP.

    Glover.. it had a charm to it, though it was really bad. Couldn't get myself to finish it or even stick with it long, but I love the concept I've gotta say.

    Bart's Nightmare and another old Simpson's videogame with like different stories that I can't remember. They were pretty interesting.

    Cool Spot.. the one for Playstation AND the one for SNES. Yeah it was basically an advertisement.. hell I bought a lot of 7-up after playing the games. It worked. Not gonna say I didn't like the games though. But I could call them crap.

    Sunset Riders for SNES

    Uniracers for SNES

    That's all I can think of right now :).

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