I've been working on this remix for a couple days, it's the title theme from Metroid. I wasn't sure whether or not to submit it, I didn't start putting it together thinking I would come here in the end, but I've been meaning to check this place out for a long time, so here goes nothing.
I read through the guidelines and stuff, and after doing so I wasn't so sure how much constitutes a remix. I know, it said check around and hear other remixes, but I guess I'm just not that do-it-yourself kind of person because it didn't help me at all. I'm still shady about where the line is exactly.
So I guess part of this is I want to get an idea of your acceptance standards in relation to my physical ability. Well, in this case, my computer's physical ability. The way this song is going, if I add too much more I'm afraid my cpu might internally combust. (Okay, maybe not, but it lags like no other.)
Anyway, just throw some feedback at me, criticisms welcome.
Um, yeah.