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Posts posted by JoshJoshWhite

  1. Rap (not my style), French samples (uh, nah), those crazy scratches (wtf?), and Terra's theme (overdone) . . . all points as to why I should not enjoy this. I didn't think I could like it, but against all logic, I do. Though I do like it, I find it difficult to say exactly what in this remix makes it work. Maybe that it's one of the most unique remixes on the site, pretty catchy, well arranged, and not boring.

    Honestly, I tried to hate the absurdity and craziness, but I failed. I put this down as a "guilty pleasure" remix. You may not want to admit that you enojy it, but really, you do. Admit it. :D

  2. This really needs a new review, especially because it's very good. I've been going through the OC Remix torrent files, and this remix compelled me to write a glowing review.

    I'm on my 3rd listen in a row, and it keeps getting better. I like the moody intro and the slow transition into the rest of the remix from 0:17 to 0:44. As already mentioned, at 2:45 the remix gets simply glorious. If you're reading this review . . . Download. The. Remix. Now. Then listen, and be happy.

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