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  1. Here http://ultimate9550.googlepages.com/willowthebattlecallwip is result of some work (there is link to the source also). The remix WIP is of Willow Nockmaar castle theme. Song is played at the entrance to the Nockmaar Castle, and inside the castle. I am not sure if the style is pure classic, but that should be destination. Any advice is appreciated. Also I have updated Shadowgate 'Trance Room', here is the page for that: http://ultimate9550.googlepages.com/shadowgatetranceroomwip
  2. Long time has passed, but I am still occasionally working on this one. This time only one track has been added, and thunderish boom volume level has been raised 3db, maybe it could be even louder. Also some drum samples has been changed, and one effect has been modified a little. Update 3 here as two fileshttp://ultimate9550.googlepages.com/shadowgatetranceroomwip and here as one file http://www.sendspace.com/file/a7vhpa New track: RandomFilter Now I will begin modifying drums, and even still add some other stuff propably. And any advice is appreciated.
  3. I am not sure if I am taking this to right direction, but here is result of work. Version 2 as two files http://pages.google.com/edit/Ultimate9550/shadowgatetranceroomwip and here as one file http://www.sendspace.com/file/xdyla7 If there is something bad or something that does not fit, I would like to know. I use now drum samples that are cleaner. Maybe some drum samples need some EQ. Drums are still the same, but will be taken care later. New tracks: Second Lead synth SuperSaw synth Goa synth(used just twice)
  4. I am getting Rebirth from http://www.rebirthmuseum.com/, and its drums should be better sounding hopefully, also I try to make drums more active. Other suggestions will also be taken care of. About drums I could choose TR-808 or TR-909, but I think I will choose TR- 909.
  5. I just tested link, and it cuts ending away for some reason, I try uploading file again to Google pages, sorry. UPDATE: Since Google pages does not allow larger than 3MB files to download correctly, I did cut music to two parts!
  6. UPDATE: Version 3 here as two files http://ultimate9550.googlepages.com/shadowgatetranceroomwip and here as one file http://www.sendspace.com/file/a7vhpa UPDATE: Version 2 here as two files http://ultimate9550.googlepages.com/shadowgatetranceroomwip and here as one file http://www.sendspace.com/file/xdyla7 This is my second attempt to remix the NES game Shadowgate 'stone hall' music. I abandoned the first attempt, made new from scratch, and took what was good in the first one, here is result as two files http://ultimate9550.googlepages.com/shadowgatetranceroomwip And here it is as one file http://www.sendspace.com/file/86lrjc Audio has not been normalized, yet. Tracks are: Lead Synth Gated Synth Sawtooth low Bass and so on Question is, what should I change, if anything, also what should I add or remove, some instruments or effects maybe?
  7. I think this http://ultimate9550.googlepages.com/home I submitted (it was rejected) was nice try, any suggestions should I start making great changes to it (it is propably too repetitive and close to original), or give up? What do you think of sound quality? Other things to notice?
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