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The game's out, you guys! Buy it now, if you want- http://murderslastcrow.co.nr. It's in the Games section. ^w^ I'm so happy to have worked with you guys. Thanks again! That's right, Dubious Fudge, a Murder's Last Crow production, was released only minutes ago! The soundtrack was created exclusively by composers from the ocremix forums, and I'm happy to present it, today. Just go to the official Murder's Last Crow website, http://murderslastcrow.co.nr (until our domain resolves). It can be found in the "Games" section. Look there for more information and screenshots. More exclusive data will be released at the website, among other things. A special feature of this game: Although it already has a ton of awesome special features, the game is going to have a patch available only to Murder's Last Crow buyers that includes more backgrounds, High Score tables, and other content that the community sees fit to be in the patch. Please, once you've enjoyed the game, email your suggestions so that the patch can be more than just a minor upgrade on the software. I'm looking forward to your feedback.
Hey, that'd be sweet! Not all of the music has to be absolutely perfect, and I'm glad you're so willing to help out. If necessary, I'll create a patch with high-quality remixes in place of the original soundtrack. That is, if it's requested enough times. Thanks for your support, you guys. This is a great community.
Wow- I've already received some pretty magnificent samples and loopables from a couple of the composers around here. It's definitely kind of them to help, but I'm still gonna' need a lot more music. If anyone has an older track they think would work, or an idea that this game's inspired them to try out, please contact me and I'll do my best to give you a reasonable deal for your music. All of the composers that comply and allow me to use their music will be entitled to some commissioned credit, as well as their chosen name or alias displayed in the credits under "Composers." Thanks again for your interest, and I hope this can become something the community is proud of.
Mp3 format, please. Screenshots- they don't explain much, but I just wanted to show some of the styles. I've made much better and more realistic models and I usually do- the shape and exaggeration of the models is to emphasize the simplistic and humorous side of the game. Not a lot of great screenshots, but showing the main character in different situations, and the customize menu (not showing you all the outfits in the game, sorry). http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m268/jackgamefaqs/DFSTUFF001.jpg http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m268/jackgamefaqs/DFSTUFF002.jpg http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m268/jackgamefaqs/DFSTUFF003.jpg http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m268/jackgamefaqs/DFSTUFF004.jpg http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m268/jackgamefaqs/DFSTUFF005.jpg http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m268/jackgamefaqs/DFSTUFF006.jpg http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m268/jackgamefaqs/DFSTUFF007.jpg http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m268/jackgamefaqs/DFSTUFF008.jpg There'll be a patch which I might add more backgrounds to, but this is what the finished project LOOKS like. I wish I could make a video instead of just showing you still frames- it takes a lot out of it. Anyway, I hope some people are willing to get into this. An example of the kind of music I mean by "serious with a silly undertone." http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/sega/saturn/guess24%5B1%5D.mid http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/snes/Dedede.mid I hope those are kind of good examples, except I'm looking for something with much higher quality sounds than a midi. I want stereo quality that you'd get from an mp3, and feel free to put your own spin on it- techno, rock, orchestra- variety is good. Oh, and just for fun- http://youtube.com/watch?v=C5rTJkfBhbQ.
Some more info, real quick. The music needs to be loopable. Here's the outline of just what music's needed. Main Menu Ambience Earth Theme Mercury Theme Venus Theme Mars Theme Jupiter Theme Saturn Theme Uranus Theme Neptune Theme Pluto Theme Boss Theme Boss Theme Remixed (for final boss) Customize Screen Music 13 tracks. I know that's a lot, but if we get a lot of people involved, even with older stuff, I'm sure it'll be just fine. The credits music's been covered by a professional band. The game could be completed in just one day, if you skipped all the conversations and didn't try your best to get all the extra items. It'd be tougher on you that way, though, since some of the combos are quite better than others. The costume parts are always incredibly fun to customize and play around with, and the sound effects are pricelessly humorous. I worked incredibly hard on this project, and I know it's not the longest game, but it's fun and a wonderful achievement that I'm not disappointed with. Style of music should be serious/active, yet still have a cartoony and silly undertone to it. The boss music should be more intense, but not incredibly serious, except for the remix for the final battle. I know no one likes to be screwed out of their music, but I can't do much more than digital in the way of contracts. I haven't composed too much in my life, and I know it would take me a while to do it, alone, so I'm definitely willing to pay. What do you guys think would be reasonable for each song's payment, since it's based on commission? Also, the songs don't have to be incredibly long- maybe even just 30 seconds or so- just so long as it loops smoothly, I think it will be more than passable.
Here's a rundown, for you: 2d platformer with 3d graphics (think along the lines of Donkey Kong Country, just crisper). Collectible combos, specials, and parts to outfits (interchangeable heads, hair, and bodies) that you can customize on the main menu (one of the coolest things about it). A hilarious plot and script centered on a pizza that controls the metabolism of the Solar System. Full voice-acting cast. A level for each planet- Earth being your starting point. All but one of these stages has a fun boss to totally demolish. The enemies are somewhat generic but incredibly fun to obliterate and have cutely changed textures for each different level, adding variety to the gameplay experience. The gameplay is smooth and the physics engine is implemented extremely well. All the testers loved this game, but suggested one thing- the addition of a soundtrack (this was already planned, from the beginning, obviously). I'll be supplying some screenshots, soon. My previous composers worked without compensation, but I know you'd like to be paid for your trouble. If, by any chance, you have some older, unused tracks that you think could work, I'd love to collaborate. I'm in other dire situations, so money will be hard to give before production, and I can't give percentages of the game's profit for royalties. The deadline was last month, to be completely honest. It was done, all except for music, by then. I hope someone will be kind enough to help me out. If you let me pay you later, I'll certainly make that commitment, based on sales. I just need this to be finished in the next week or two. I know I'm asking for a lot, but if we get a lot of support from this community, I'm sure it can be a great success. Thank you so much in advance for your contributions! I'll get some screenshots uploaded!
I just recently finished my first commercial videogame, and was ready to release it about a month ago- I just needed to add the soundtrack. One of my composers demanded outrageous compensation, so I couldn't use his work anymore, and my friend doing the other tracks said he was done, but he's been avoiding me for over three weeks and everyone's pretty sure he doesn't really have the songs. So I asked one friend to do a song or two who I know I can trust, but now I'm dying for more music. I'm willing to pay small commission fees, but it'd be nice if someone was up to donating a few tracks to the project. The game's webpage isn't entirely complete, but it still has a moderate amount of information on the game, and I can certainly tell you that it's a fun and amazing project, and well worth your while to submit some tracks to. http://murderslastcrow.co.nr is my temporary URL until the project's finished. Please take a look and see if you have any music that would fit a somewhat cartoony/comedic game. The game I was making before included very realistic models and an extremely complex battle system, but I had to quit and pick something else up due to time issues- but now I just need a soundtrack so I can release it! Please help. Feel free to PM me.