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Posts posted by Seij

  1. Hey guys, thanks for the feedback. I haven't had as much time as I'd hoped to really work on this the past week or so, but found some time today to redo some stuff. Still, I have been doing some research on home recording/mixing basics and I think I'm starting to get a grasp on it all.

    I've added some reverb to the the drums as well as recorded some background guitar tracks. I changed up the rhythm guitar just a bit and have been messing with the rhythm guitar sound, trying to get it a bit fatter and less scratchy. I'm still not satisfied with it but I think it has a lot to do with the guitar processor I'm running through (using the built in processor from a Boss drum machine).

    I also added a short guitar solo for the outro, but the more i think about it, the more I think it might sound better being somewhere in the middle of the song.

    Anyway, I've got a lot more to do before even considering calling it finished, but wanted to post an update to see if you guys think it's heading in the right direction or not.


    Also, here's a link to the source if interested:


  2. Hello everyone. This is my first attempt at any type of home recording so I am still quite green at the whole process. Nevertheless, I wanted to post it here as this seems to be a good place to get some healthy criticism.

    Anyway, the song is a rock/metal version of the Ronfaure theme from Final Fantasy XI Online.


    I'm using Cakewalk Sonar 7, and have only been working with it for a few days, so any advice is definitely appreciated.

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