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  1. If it seems like your FL does not have the samples installed, you probably dont have the proper codec(?) installed to play them. I don't know exactly where the file is but you should have it (it's somewhere in the installers folder, and you find the file and right-click to install it) ... sorry I'm on a different computer and don't know where it is exactly. As for the "constant overdrive" thing, your FL may have had its buffer length shortened by a lot. This happened to me before. Go to the audio options, and you should see a slide bar that says buffer length. When the buffer length is too little (at the minimum when it happened to me) it'll sound like it's being overdriven, but it's just not giving your computer enough time to put out the right sounds. So what you should do is increase it again. 2048 is the default option for buffer length, so if it's not there, try setting it there (you can just right-click on it to set it to default)
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