Sorry about not posting a better description before. Here is a brief overview of the game:
Excanto takes place in a fantasy world where rival magi, called Overlords, attempt to conquer their opponents. Using their ability to summon creatures, the Overlords create armies to battle one another, until only one Overlord remains. The summoned creatures can all interact with their environment in different ways, and it is an efficient use of terrain that can prove to be the difference between victory and defeat.
For the menus in the game, we would like at least one song that is deep and thought provoking made with a piano or stringed instruments for the main menu as well as its submenus and perhaps if it is possible two more tracks, one more uplifting and one more sombre for the victory/defeat screen shown at the end of a battle. As for the gameplay tracks, we would like a couple tracks, all about four to five minutes in length covering a range of dynamics from slower, more melodic parts to more intense, fast-paced parts. We would also like a couple tracks that are more epic and glorious to be dynamically switched to for an epic battle scene.
Again, we are Equinox Games, a game development student final project group at Full Sail looking for artists to do some songs for our game Excanto. We would like to submit our game to the Independent Gaming Festival this fall which requires us to only use assets created by students, therefore we apologize but we can only accept assets from students. If we do use your work, you will be fully credited and you can use our game for your resume once it is completed. Thanks again!
You can also contact us on our forums:
Or by contacting our asset lead Tim Beneke at: