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  1. Yah checked it... couldn't find anything
  2. Really? Wow didn't know that... i'll have to look into that...
  3. Definitely tried... came up with nothing. Try and see if you can find it. Maybe I'm just missing it in my hurry to try and find it.... (definitely possible)
  4. Nobody has this MIDI? Hmm...
  5. Greetings all! I'm looking for a MIDI version of the Diablo 1 or 2 soundtrack that plays in Tristram.. you know that haunting tune that sticks in your head And I just need the MIDI.. it's for a particular project i'm working on.\ Please post here a link where I can get it, or PM me and I'll give you my email to send it to me. Thank you for the help!! -- FatMagic
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