God's Birth (after doing so much work to it I figure it warranted a name change) made it into the "To Be Judged" category. Thank you all for helping me out with it so much. Here's hoping it get's accepted eh?
QA: The drums were all sequenced with Anvil Studio and are MIDI. There isn't any way (that I know of) to change how they sound when hit repititiously. As far as the solo goes it is supposed to represent chaos. In other words it is supposed to sound like absolute pandemonium. Let me explain...
The person I did this arrangement for has a way of coming up with his own visualizations when he listens to music. I kept that in mind while I was doing my arrangement. At first I wanted him to envision the battle that this music was originally written for and how it starts out with Sephiroth and the feeling of 'oh sh*t' when you first see him in his bizarro form. Then the music kicks in and the fight starts and its pretty evenly matched. Just jamming out to the music, jamming out in battle.
Then it switches to the main Sephiroth part towards the center which would represent Sephiroth beating the crap out of Cloud and crew. After a bit of impending doom, I wanted him to imagine our heroes just charging in and basically going for a desperation attack (to borrow a term from FFVI) which leaves both ends fighting for their lives. The rhythm section here is playing an instrumental allusion to One Winged Angel so the solo represents the heroes just going bloody nuts on him. Then of course Sephiroth comes out stronger and the battle resumes as it was in the beginning but overall its just Sephiroth finishing them off as the outro cues up and Cloud loses the last of his HP. - Gameover.
Its kind of an odd visualization, but my friend rather enjoyed it when he heard it and he totally got it. So, that was worth the remix in and of itself. Honestly after listening to it I just thought I'd try to post it up here because he and I both really enjoy listening to a lot of the songs on this site so I thought it might be neat if his suggestion and my ideas made it up.
I've learned a lot from the people in this forum, but whether it is declined or accepted I won't be doing anymore work to it. I consider it to be finished now, but I guarantee you that my future projects will all be a bit higher quality thanks to everyone here and who knows... Maybe I'll end up doing some more remixes in the future? This one certainly proved educational enough to warrant another try... Thanks everyone.