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  1. Yeah, that would terrific. I'm still tracking down who/what our next giveaway will be. Once I know, we can cross promote it as announcements.
  2. In case anyone is concerned about their privacy, I've been a strong supporter and member of the EFF since 2004, and also thought long and hard about the causes and cures for spam. So have a little trust in us. If we didn't ask for a mailing address, people could cheat a lot easier. As Powerlord mentioned, we ditch the information after the contest is complete.
  3. In celebration of the upcoming July 24 release of Guitar Hero Encore: Rocks the 80s, VGMusic.com is partnering with RedOctane to give away a free copy of Guitar Hero II (with guitar controller, for PS2) and 15 t-shirts. Please see the contest page for the Giveaway Rules and Entry Form. Contest ends at 23:59:59 EDT on July 31, 2007. So sign-up to win today at: http://www.vgmusic.com/contests/giveaway11.php Be sure to visit RedOctane.com as they are offering 10% off everything in the store to visitors of VGMusic.com. Enter coupon code VGMUSIC at checkout to receive your discount. Offer ends 7/31/2007.
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