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Posts posted by SUparJErk

  1. Needs fewer vocals. As a general rule, artist vocals don't belong in video game remixes. There are always exceptions, but I don't think this is one of them.

    One of Sega's biggest mistakes, IMO, was giving a voice to Sonic the Hedgehog in the cartoon and some of their later video games featuring him. I absolutely loved the Sonic series before then.

    The same goes with this song. It was freakin' cool until I started hearing that horrible white-boii "yea ah ah ah uh... uh.. yo yo" etc... It really ruins it. Additionally, even the words themselves are out of place. The least the artist could have done was to rap about Sonic or something.

    Don't get me wrong, the instrumental part of the song is great, but... ugh.

    EDIT: I realized the above sounded way too negative and harsh after I posted it. To clarify: the instrumental parts are honestly fantastic and I thought it would be one of my favorite remixes ever when it first started. That part is superb. The rapping just completely turned that around.

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