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Johnny Burt

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Everything posted by Johnny Burt

  1. To ease suspicions, I had to use Itunes to convert my wav file to MP3 since I'm working on a new mac and don't have access to NERO file converter and I didn't like the sound quality of Cubase's exported MP3s. If anyone knows of a good file converter for mac let me know.
  2. I think the problem with the theme is that we are actually presented with 3 possible themes to choose from, because the description is pretty vague. Either heaven or hell or the anxiety of having to choose. Given that, if each person interprets the theme differently by that large of a margin, then how are we really supposed to compare and contrast how effectively each person expresses what is supposed to be one central idea? I see where it was going, but I think it missed the mark or wasn't a wholly realized idea before it was submitted.
  3. Awesome! Can't wait to see what I can put together for this.
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