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Everything posted by Kivou

  1. Okay, I have a new version up with drums and a piano solo (link in first post). There are still some performance mistakes, particularly because I suck at guitar, but I think the levels and energy are better. Still looking for a brushed snare drum sound, I tried Maestro Brush Kit soundfont but wasn't very happy. Is it a matter of processing and mastering, or do I just have to get better quality samples? Any more comments or criticism would be great
  2. Thanks for the feedback, guys The kind words are very encouraging as I try to figure things out. I fixed the levels as you said, it was a very obvious mistake but I'm very new at recording. I also upped the tempo slightly which will help the energy. I do like the crisp piano, but the guitar is not quite right yet (I am hearing Pat Metheny's tone in my head). Do you think adjusting the EQ would help, or what? I am using Amplitube to record my guitar, so there is a lot of tweaking options. It would be nice to add either acoustic bass or a brush kit to make it a trio; the only problem is finding some organic sounds that won't stick out. All I have now is some rather unconvincing MIDI sounds in my keyboard. Any suggestions? Anyway, I intend to add a piano solo with guitar comping next, hopefully I will get it together and uploaded tomorrow or Friday.
  3. Hi, this is my first attempt at a remix. It is a very rough draft, but I wanted some feedback as to whether the texture and style were working at all, and maybe what I could do to expand it further. Here is the link: Old version: http://www.sendspace.com/file/ez9nj4 Edit: New version: http://www.sendspace.com/file/4fb0kd
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