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  • Collaboration Status
  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
    FL Studio
  • Composition & Production Skills
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (Other)
    I can sing a little bit. Enough to harmonize.

Meccanical's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. Since I currently lack the skills to do it myself, I humbly request an ocremix of To the Ultimate Relic. I would prefer it to be a Trance.Dance song, as I think it would sound nice for the melody. Thanks for taking a look.
  2. Uh... hold on. Will that let me loop it continuously while recording the song? That's the real problem I'm having with this program right now, I can figure how to put the notes together, but not how to keep'em going for as long as I want while in the song.
  3. Okay, I created a drum sample in the generator, but I have no clue how to loop it through the rest of the track. How do I loop it without drawing the same bars for about 500+ grids?
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