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  1. I have found it weird that out of all the zelda songs that could be remixed, Wind Waker has been neglected so much. Wind Waker has several good songs that would be interesting to remix. I have been yearning to hear more Wind Waker remixes and after all these years that Wind Waker has been out we only have 3. I would make some myself, however I have no talent what so ever. So I was wondering if someone could make a few. I would really appreciate it.
  2. Ok, sounds great.
  3. I've been thinking about a few songs that I thought would be interesting to hear remixed. These songs are: Kotake & Koume's Theme ---- from Ocarina of Time Lon Lon Ranch ---- from Ocarina of Time Sheik's theme ---- from Ocarina of Time Fairy Fountain ---- from Ocarina of Time Deku Nut's Castle ---- from Majora's Mask Forest Haven ---- Wind Waker Dragon Roost Island ---- Wind Waker Aryll's Theme ---- Wind Waker Wind God's Aria ---- Wind Waker Earth God's Lyric ---- Wind Waker Minda's Desperate Hour ---- Twilight Princess Ilias Theme ---- Twilight Princess Any of these would be great to hear. Most of them haven't been remixed, at least as far as I know.
  4. You know I was just thinking that it would be interesting to hear a remix of the Twinrova song, of whatever those two witch twins are called.
  5. Hey all. I've notice, as others probably have, that most of the remixes for the Zelda games favor the same old songs, for example Zelda's Lullaby. I've begun to grow tired of listening to different versions of the same song. Don't get mean wrong they are all good songs, but I have a disire to listen to something new. So I was wondering if anyone could try a different song, for example the Forest Temple from Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Anybody up for the challenge?
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