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Mark 'Moogle' Brown

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Posts posted by Mark 'Moogle' Brown

  1. I have lurked around this site for about 6.5 years and 1400 remixes. There have been many, many beautiful and creative mixes posted on the site in this time. This is the first time I ever felt compelled to leave a review about a piece.

    This was a treat to listen to. My knowledge of the whole library on this site is spotty, but I don't recall a past mix that was so dedicated to the brass among us. I played the trombone for 11 years of my life before a lack of groups to play with forced me into inactivity, and I love this because it sounds so much like something I could have played back in those days. Ah, the work to get a I at adjucation...

    As DJP touched upon in his writeup, the trained ear can certainly tell it's not live brass. This is hardly the only mix of which this can be said, but this is probably the most real-sounding use of brass I've heard here, and very skillfully arranged. Each of the parts in the quintet contributes something to the overall piece, without which it would not be nearly the same.

    The bulk of it is so charming to listen to that the few moments where you really hear a note that is plainly synthesized can be overlooked. I can almost close my eyes and picture myself and some old bandmates of mine from college performing it on stage. Many mixes on this site tickle my fancy as a lifelong band nerd and musician, but this is the first that has ever gotten me so close as a brass musician specifically.

    Here's this lurker's salute to Vampire Hunter Dan for trying something quite different and coming out with an incredible end product even given the inherent limitations with using brass in a mix. I hope this will not be the last time I hear such great brass work on this site.

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