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Posts posted by BlackOpsProject

  1. I'm not sure if this is the right forum area for this question, but here goes.

    Is there any way to decompile the .usflib file to extract the samples that the USF format is using? I've used Sound Forge to open it as a RAW file and managed to get a few grainy, low quality [unusable] sounds out of it. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.

  2. So I've listened to a few of the songs and first, I'd like to say kudos on the piano work. As much as I hate to say it though, it does sound a little bland. Please don't take that the wrong way, it could be just because it's not really my style [i really do like "This Lovely Feeling" tho. I'm not saying any of them are bad songs in any way. Keep working at it, experiment with the Parametric EQ2, Maximus, and Fruity Limiter some more, and read the help file for the Maximus too you'd be surprised what you can do with that bad boy. ;) You'll def get to where you want to be in no time. www.soundcloud.com/drinkeekrow

  3. Hey, thanks for the critique! To be honest, the intro thing was kind of an afterthought. After reading your post, it is kinda starting to sound a little tacked on. The distortion effects did actually consist of a LOT of compression, and I can see why you would think it sounds a little over the top. Maybe I will do some tweaking on it soon.

    Anyway, all I really used to make this was a sample I ripped from the Rush 2049 soundtrack on the N64, and a drumloop [and a lot of fx plug-ins]. The lead really isn't a plug-in patch at all, it's just a heavily processed and chopped up sample.

  4. So I've been a member of OCRemix for years now and the first submission I sent in was a pretty unanimous "No" [probably for good reason]. I don't even remember what I was trying to remix anymore. Anyhoo, this is my first submission in about a decade I think. It's a remix of Retro from the N64 version of Rush 2049. I'm kinda curious to what people think of it, considering it's the first remix of any Rush game on here.


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