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  1. Thanks for tha answer, Orichalcon. I should said """""""plagiarism""""""", with more " ". I don't really wanted to say such a thing. It is only that i'm spanish and I don't explain myself properly. I am allways proud of see OC-Remixes in other sites. Thanks again.
  2. Well... I was in class and I entered Minijuegos.com to play a minigame... and I found a "remixing" game, like Ontamarama, or DDR, named RYTHMWORLD. I entered tha game, not expecting some great... and indeed, tha game isn't good itself, it looks quite odd... But tha music is really good, it seems. It has Rock, Pop, Techno... and also Game Remixes. So, the point is... Are those new remixes or are OC-Remixes/OCRemoved??? Is a Newgrouds game, and it has a Download option in-game to "download" the song you are about to play with... but it redirect you to the homepage, with a Flash music player. Here's tha link to tha tracklist of Game category. http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/list/12
  3. I agree with K.B.: Underworld and Sealed could be great songs to remix.
  4. My recuest: Game: Ontamarama Song: Guitar Fiend Plataform: N-DS Link to original song (I dont know if I can make that, but I will do it) http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?cnozlnzdalm
  5. Ikachan... the first game of Pixel... creator of CaveStory.. Please... it will be a pleasure 4 me Thanx!! PD: Mamacitas in my Valley ROCKS!!!!!
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