I will be recording a choir at my school for one of their performances. I already know some stuff about audio recording since I do a podcast for my church. I also have some experiencing mixing audio. What are some things I might need when I try to record the choir. The school is providing the mixing board, mics and booms. I will basically just plug my computer into one of their matrix outs. Will I need some type of specialized card to record? I want something that sounds great, but requires little investment. (<$100) I will probably be bringing my desktop with me since it just has more computing power than anything else I have. So I guess, here are the three questions I need ansered:
What type of sound card do I need?
Will stereo audio out from the mixer work fine? Or will I need to input each microphone into my computer?
Is their anything that I need to watch out for while doing this live performance?
Thanks for all of the help.