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  1. Well, as CIUT is a Canadian broadcaster, there's a minimum requirement for Canadian content of 35% or 10% for international music, which this certainly might be. Does anyone know the names of the Canadian composers on this site, or any other for that matter. I can and will look through the hompages of the artists I plan to play, but if anyone knows who the Canadians are, that would save me a lot of effort. Sure, I'd love to have you onboard. There may be certain proceedures you need to go through before they'll let you in the studio. I don't think I can just say, this guys gonna help me out with the show. But definately contact me so we can talk about it more. I'll probably want to meet you before I push to get you in on the show with me. Maybe drop by the station and fill out a Volunteer application form. These things take a month to process and it'll be October or later before this show gets running. So nows a good time. My e-mail is absolutelylucid@yahoo.ca My MSN is redakerston@hotmail.com My home phone is 905-844-6995 real name Chris, but call me red if you want.
  2. First off, you can listen live @ www.ciut.fm There's a listen live button on the right hand side. The station is in Toronto, Canada, and the broadcast radius reaches buffulo or any of the south shore of Lake Ontario on the Buffulo side (on a good day). And Geoffrey Taucer, I love your stuff so it will be played from day one, and every show after that. Chrono Trigger Town Life is still my personal favorite. A joint project, yes, but the riff and singing is soooo good. About other sites, I don't know about them. So, any lists of sites to check out for material is much appreciated. As for DJP and Liontamer. I'd tell em but I don't know the contacts. So if anyone has em... thanks.
  3. Yup, that's right. I submitted a proposal to llocal CIUT 89.5FM broadcasting to Toronto and Buffulo. They like the show idea, which has me playing OC Remix tunes each week. This stations ratings are also on the rise With a broadcast audience of millions this'll definately be a breakthrough. I'm open to ideas and comments. If you got a song you want played or anything like that, leave it here. The show will likely start over the next couple months. I'll update the show time when I get it.
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