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Posts posted by Shirleycakes

  1. Thanks for the advice - I definitely haven't put all my eggs in this basket but I figured it'd be stupid not to try.

    I've actually gotten a few interesting responses which is incredible given how long this has been here.

    So who knows, it may work it may not but it was definitely worth a shot and I thank you for even taking the time to read it and give your feedback. Cheers, man.

  2. (I should start this by saying this is an ORIGINAL project, not a remix. I stuck it in community because I didn't know where else to go. If there's a better place to post this please let me know - I'm a forum virgin)

    I'm an Indie singer, guitarist and keyboardist who is starting a new project a little more geared toward my influences on the video game music side. I've been downloading remixes here for years and the other day when I was trolling craigslist for musicians I thought I'd be stupid not to see if anyone here is interested. There's silly amounts of talent with digital music floatng this domain, I'd be stoked if anyone would want to help out.

    What I'm going for is something that is indie rock at heart, but definitely appeals to those of us who get chills when we hear our favorite game's theme song played on the piano by some guy on youtube who may or may not be dressed up as one of the characters.

    I have some one-minute clips of the recent stuff I've been working on posted to a sort of "want ad" myspace account. It's soundtrack work that I wrote and arranged, but then added vocals and guitar to. Most questions should be answered here:


    If you want a little more background on my guitar, singing and production I've got my old singer/songwriter myspace up at:


    My previous (and very defunct) band's websites has a few mp3 samples of stuff done last year; more guitar, singing and drum sequencing:


    The latter two projects are the tried and true guitar-rock things that I am trying to not so much abandon, but definitely evolve into something a little more refreshing. I wanted to cover a few DKC songs with my last band and they didn't even know what I was talking about. It's time for people who play instruments and play video games to come together.

    I am located in the San Francisco area but geography isn't that important because the internet is so versatile. Look what The Postal Service did with snail-mail. Anything is possible.

    So if you'e interested, reply, PM me or contact me via one of the MySpace accounts. Thanks for reading.

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