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Everything posted by Paedansu

  1. It's due to the filename being so bloody long because of all the contributors' names in it. If you're saving it to a directory buried particularly deeply in your hard drive then the name/path ends up being longer than your OS can handle. Try putting the download directory right at the top level of your hard drive.
  2. Most bittorrent clients give you some option for selecting which files within the torrent you actually want to download, or allow you to place priority on specific files. Investigate whichever client you use and see if you can specify to only download the MP3 folder.
  3. While moving the completed files about on my hard drive I did at one point get an error about a filename being too long. Make sure the directory that the files are being saved to isn't buried too many folders deep in your hard drive.
  4. Just wondering, will one of the fine folks responsible for this be setting it up as a recognized album on last.fm? I'm a little obsessive about my scrobbles and they're kinda drifting into the ether...
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