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  1. I am trying to find the following collection of video game music in either torrent or zipped format: NSF USF PSF PSF2 GSF GBS 2SF. I have the Snes collection and Genesis collection already but would like the others or if anyone has a link to other collections I can't think of like Sega Saturn or Turbo graphic 16 or Arcade game music would be cool but remember I am looking for whole collection in a zip or torrent file. The one site i was trying to download from must have thought I was trying to attack their server and locked me out from downloading so much at once.
  2. Yeah I tried to find the soundtrack to Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind by Joe Hisaishi and any of his other works for Hayao Miyazaki he did but can't seem to find them anywhere. If you got some links, please set me up, thanks.
  3. Ok got everything you guys suggested. NEED MORE! Keep em coming! Note: BTW wow that maverick rising is 2.83 gb OMG
  4. Got every Myst soundtrack AND beat every Myst game. I loved Peter Gabriel's contribution to the fourth one.
  5. Awesome selection guys. Keep em coming! Still got gigs free for use.
  6. Got most of them. Need more. Still got 71 GB free and I'm ready to use them!
  7. Actually I use my i-pod for work and walking sometimes.
  8. Impressive list. Anyone got any more?
  9. Lol I have every SGX album except that one. I wonder when he will add it to Magnatunes.
  10. Well I'll take THREE hundred of her. I think I own every soundtrack she ever made.
  11. Sweet. Glad to see some women in our realm. I thought the Japanese had the monopoly on nerd women.
  12. Wow I didn't know Michiru Yamane was a women. Good thing I asked.
  13. I was curious since so far I haven't seen any women's names on the list of artists.
  14. Just was curious, are there actual women VG music artists on here?
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