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  1. Awesome, not used to that. Thanks bud.
  2. I made a thread for a competition I'm running on behalf of the gaming journalism site I'm working for. However, I haven't seen much interest and I think a change of title could vastly improve interest. If you could tell me how I'd go about it, I'd highly appreciate it. ~Dan.
  3. Hey dudes, I've updated the details slightly. Still hoping for entrants.
  4. Hello all! My name is Dan, I'm a video games journalist for a company called 'The Games Ingredients' here in the UK and we need talented musicians for a competition of ours. Basically, we've all but reserved a review copy of Twisted Metal, the PlayStation 3 exclusive that was due September but now coming early 2012. As such, we're going to do a video review for it and that's where you guys come in, but instead of hiring someone, we're running a competition to give fair chance. We want to hear your twisted take on the Twisted Metal original theme, heard here: And here: The competition is open until early December so plenty of time, but if you'd like to post your material as you progress, such as early recordings or snippets, then that's totally cool. You can submit your final work at any point in time. There are no restrictions on what kind of music you provide, we will be judging all of these on a basis of enjoy ability and personal preference to have as little bias as possible, though I would imagine most of you would choose metal. Though it would certainly be interesting to see what your twisted mind can come up with though, so seriously there is no set genre, whatever you want to do, you have total artistic freedom. To submit your work once it's done, either personal message me on this site with a link, or e-mail it to my journalism account, dtaylor@thegamesingredients.net The reward for the winner will be a currently unset cash prize, we will be sending this to the winner via Paypal as a gift so if you don't have Paypal, then you'll need one. We will also be using the music you provide inside the video review, which we hope to show to David Jaffe and Scott Campbell as well as the rest of the team at Eat Sleep Play. You will be duly credited for it where ever necessary. We will be happy to provide a reference for you in future but please note, choosing to enter gives us the right to use the submission as we choose. Thanks all, any questions I'll answer in the thread. Check out our site for more information: http://thegamesingredients.net
  5. Hey guys, My name is Daniel, I'm a video games journalist working for a site within the UK called The Games Ingredients, you can visit our site at http://thegamesingredients.net I apologise if this is the wrong place to post it, however I can't find a contact us link. Basically, we're going to be recording a video review of Twisted Metal when it comes out in early 2012. Originally we were looking at the September release window, however the title was pushed back. Never the less, we were hoping OCRemix would be happy to post something on the site about this competition? What we'd like to do, is for the composers of OCRemix, to have their twisted take on the Twisted Metal theme, as heard here: And here: We'd then choose the best version, in our own opinions, to use within the video review. We'd be more than happy to offer a cash prize to the winner, we'd host the song on our site, we'd credit the artist where ever necessary and we'd be happy to advertise OCRemix.org on our site completely free. Equally, we'd give references for all entrants in the competition for all future projects and applications. We've contacted David Jaffe via twitter also, he'll be watching the review with Scott Campbell and the rest of the team in the best case scenario. Can someone kindly inform me as to who the person to contact to discuss this would be? Many thanks for all your help.
  6. I'd love to see a longer and heavier version of this song from MAG: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBerXs8eWE4 Would anyone be up to it?
  7. Here are the answers: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?p=595391#post595391
  8. And as promised, here are the answers to the chosen questions.
  9. Accepted. Questions are being sent at 12pm GMT tomorrow.
  10. Grand recommendation, I'll look into it. Thanks.
  11. Okay, will do. Come on peeps need some more, I thought you guys would jump at the idea of getting to ask a video games music composer a question.
  12. Simple but good question, I'll ask this one.
  13. Well Tim agreed to answer some questions so check my other topic if you have one you'd like to ask!
  14. Alright! Im not sure if anyone read my other topic but if you did you'd know what this is concerning, so for those of you who didn't allow me to explain. Tim Haywood is a video games music composer who worked on titles such as Shadowman, Shadowman 2econd Coming and also Shellshock 2: Blood Trails. He also worked on the Jackie Chan TV series. Well recently, he announced that he would be re-recording the Shadowman soundtrack, bringing it up to date and also re-imagining the songs if you will as a way of working his way back into producing dark ambient type music. So I asked him if he would answer some questions about his musical influences, his experiences in games design companies and also about music he composed for Shadowman. He agreed to answer some questions and he'd add some more of his own if he felt generous so post a question and if its a good one, I will ask him on your behalf and post the topic in a weeks time. =D Accepted Questions: These questions have been taken from popular interviews.
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