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Posts posted by Lelek

  1. Well I had a big long post that got ate... so I'll be quick


    The different elements meld together for something greater than the parts.

    My mapping(Im no music major)

    0:00-0:33 Intro, Ninty Nine Nights like orch.

    0:33-1:00: Metal, Clean vocals

    1:00-1:15 Growling

    1:15-1:33 Metal Lordi like growling. YEAH YEAH!

    1:33-2:05 Clean vocals

    2:05-2:20 Growling

    2:20-2:37 Lordi like growling

    2:37-3:10 Bridge Techno

    3:10-3:43 Chorus, clean singing

    3:43-3:58 Bridge 2

    3:58-4:14 Chorus 2

    4:14-4:45 Breakdown Chorus

    4:45-4:49 Outro

    Thank-you for such good track.

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