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Low Profile

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Posts posted by Low Profile

  1. The sound of your remix is great, yet the melody is not entirely accurate.

    Not that it should be, but as I've heard this song a million times my brain expects or rather demands the correct melody)

    Being a big Ys fan myself i tend to be overcritical if someone touches this masterpiece ;) ... but there's definitely potential indeed.

    It reminded me of JDK's live performance of 'To make the end of battle' at times:

    (i love how the bass player kicks in at 3:35) :D

    This song is the perfect blend between synths & guitars. I want to hear more! :)

  2. You can use trackers like Madtracker, Renoise. All you need is basic waveform samples like Square, Sine, Saw, Pulse and Triangle. Using the Arpeggio effect you can get those retro chord sounds.

    Another option is using Reason. The SubTractor synth has all of those basic waveforms. You can add extra '8-bit feeling' by using the Scream distortion on top of that with the 'digital' preset. (play around a bit with the resolution and rate)

    hope this helps!

  3. I know this tune... it actually had an Roland MT-32 soundtrack in the PC version... which I fortunatly happened to own at that time :)

    Gotta love those oldskool MSDOS midi-soundtracks ^_^

    Very catchy tune indeed, with great custom synth patches for the MT-32... I remember a saxophone-like synth lead with some awesome sounding 'fake powerchords'. Made the tune really rock at that time :) .... 16 color EGA graphics, with 9 multitimbral midi :D

    lol... I might do a remake, if i only had that original MT-32 soundtrack :(

    [edit] with a quick google i found an mp3 with part of the intromusic ... http://www.crossfire-designs.de/download/articles/soundcards/lapc_skiordie.mp3 sure does bring back memories :)

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