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CT Novelist

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Posts posted by CT Novelist

  1. Hey everyone! I'm that "Wayne" guy that Pez keeps talking about.

    This is a pretty exciting time for the project. Right now, we're gearing up for a large presentation packet to Square as our first attempt to "officially" bring this to the table. We will also be making our second public appearance this month (November) at the Wizard World conference in Arlington, TX. Committee and Editorial Team member Jacob Kuntzman will be there to represent the project. (I, unfortunately, cannot be.)

    As for MAGFest, I'm excited about Pezman's planned event, which is something that he actually came up with and volunteered for himself. I'd like to go this coming year, but I am not yet sure if I'll be able to swing it. Either way, I'm sure it'll be a blast!

    DarkeSword brought up a valid point for any true fan of the Chrono series. Despite how confident I am in the novel's accurate and enhanced retelling of this tremendous story, assumptions that some underlying, untold aspect will be missed are bound to occur.

    I can only offer these points as consolation: 1) remember that it will be by Square's approval that the novel gets published, meaning that they will have approved of its content and 2) as we're taking great measures to ensure quality and consistency (hence an Editorial Team), I encourage anyone not to allow such concerns to be a stumbling block, as it will be as good as any Chrono Trigger novel could possibly be (unless, with some room for argument, it were put together by the original writers themselves).

    Those points may or may not be good enough for someone like DarkeSword, but I would encourage anyone of that mindset to check it out anyway. You might be surprised at the depth.

    All of that aside, thanks to everyone who will openly allow us to use their mixes, and I appreciate the support that so many of you have shown.

    Take care!


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