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Posts posted by kwak

  1. Added bass and made some other changes. Will use a real bass when I get the chance but this will do for now, haven't done much to the drums, and added/changed some guitar parts. Used a bit from the lava level as well. Still pretty unfinished, but let me know what you think of it so far.

  2. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=DYOCPZ7P

    hey, started working on this mix this weekend, very unfinished but thought I'd see what you guys think of it so far. It's the brambles level music, 3 guitars(acoustic, mic'd amp, and direct into mixer), drums programed through Reason, no bass yet, and may try to put in some vocals. Pretty simple, trying to go for a dryish production sound. If you are a bassist and would be interested in helping me out, that'd be cool. I have a bass at home but I won't be there until the end of May, and I'd rather use a real bass than a synthesized one.

    Besides no bass and the drums(basically a loop so far) I'm pretty happy with how it's arranged up until about 1:40. Hopefully it's clear what the acoustic is suppose to be(that bit that comes in at about 0:10 on the original dkc2 track), if not I can attempt to do something a little different. Gonna try and make the second half build up to a more 'intense' sound, but I'm not sure where I'm going to go with it. Any suggestions or ideas would be great, and if you notice any problems with the mix so far let me know.

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