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  1. I gotta make a song for a custom Wipeout HD soundtrack (nothing professional at all) and I wanted to know what you guys thought of it so far. I'm going for the happy kind of racing song, here's a stream/download link: http://www.zshare.net/audio/16126570ae46bd6a/ I know non-remixes aren't as popular here, but I was hoping to get a bit of advice, tricks I could use etc. At least knowing if it's good or not so far.
  2. Hmm ok ok, so then I need to start adding more liberal stuff in my remixes. Is it alright if I add completely invented melodies here and there that blend well with the original one?
  3. Yeah ok, ANOTHER Stickerbrush Symphony remix. The thing is, I've been doing some remixes for a while now but never really thought about OCremix since this place is filled with wonderful remixes. I guess I'm just not confident enough and I really feel like an amateur still. Even now as I'm typing this, I'm wondering if this is even worth it lol. So here's one of my remixes, and I'd like to know if I'm headed in the right direction. Are there any problems with it? A lot of people told me to show it to OCR, but I feel it's too close to the original. Is it the case? I'd love to get feedback so I know what to do for my next remixes. Here it is: http://www.soundclick.com/util/getplayer.m3u?id=6481669&q=hi
  4. I see what you mean with the synth sound problem at 1:27. I'll try to fix this and see what I can do with the delay! Thanks a lot statas.
  5. Damn is it bad? I was hoping to get some pro opinions, I'm just getting started in making/remixing music. Tell me if it flat out sucks...
  6. Hey, this is a work-in-progress still, but how does this sound so far? It's my first try at techno... I'm not even sure what style it is actually, I make it sound as I feel. It's also only my 3rd track ever, been addicted to creating music for 2 months now. Oh and pump up the volume! http://www.zshare.net/audio/5655239a86c6ac I'd love to know what you guys think about it so far!
  7. Alright I'm making my first tune ever, it's called "Inside a Mysterious Icy Cavern" and it kind of sounds like a videogame music actually. Please tell me what you think so far, would be awesome! Click on Mp3, the Lo-Fi / Hi-Fi options are bugged, they play the track twice: http://www.soundclick.com/bands/pagemusic.cfm?bandID=768088 Oh and I just realised I registered under the name SurpaDarky instead of "Supra", oops.
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