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  1. Well, I'm willing to work with you. All it is is an XML file. What would you like "say" in? Do you want a "Official OCRemix Google Gadget" on the gadget or something, with a link to the site? I seriously doubt it's going to rise above a couple *dozen* users, but I could be drastically under-estimating the number of OCRemix fans with an iGoogle page. Let me know what you want me to do.
  2. The streaming randomly chooses from the available mirrors, so as to not overload any given one. Not that it will be a danger; how many people fall in the intersection of OCRemix and iGoogle? Not only that, but since the gadget only shows the latest 10 songs, I don't think people will do a whole lot of listening from their iGoogle page. It might be different if it was an entire "media player" for the entire library of OCRemix songs... Let me know if you still have concerns...?
  3. For those people who have a Google Homepage (i.e. iGoogle), I made a Google Gadget that you can drop on it. http://www.google.com/ig/adde?source=ignsrc1&moduleurl=http%3A//hosting.gmodules.com/ig/gadgets/file/113442111111660630273/OCRemix.xml This gadget will show you the last 10 songs added to OCRemix, and lets you play them right from your homepage. Kind of a quick-listen, to decide if you want to download them. Let me know if you see any bugs, or want any features added!
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