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  1. I'm talking about the GameCube game, btw.
  2. This is the same deal I had with Pikmin. I can't find the OST for the game, or any BGM for the game. I'm also requesting remixs for this game. It's a cool game, I got the music stuck in my head, so I looked for the music couldn't find it. Can someone help me?
  3. Thanks for the OSTs, will people ever make a remix of any of them? Or is it too hard?
  4. arm.2310


    I've been looking everywhere for a Pikmin remix, or even the BGM to the game entirely. I can't even find the OST for download. Could some one help me?
  5. Thank you, SO much! =^.^=
  6. I don't know how hard it would be to make a remixed version of the background music on this ship. I played Pokemon as a kid, loved it, and have always loved the music in the games. This is one song I've been looking for, for a while. I have the original versoin(the unmixed version), but it's too short. I wanted to know if one of you could create a remix for this song. I'd appreciate it. If not, *shrugs*.
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