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  • Collaboration Status
    2. Maybe; Depends on Circumstances
  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
    FL Studio
  • Composition & Production Skills
    Arrangement & Orchestration
    Mixing & Mastering
    Synthesis & Sound Design
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (List)
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (Other)

Locutus's Achievements

  1. @SciRe: A studio is not needed. If you can do good private recordings that will do just fine. Do you "only" play the trumpet or by chance also the trombone? Do you have a muted trumpet? Thanks Progress as of now: I have done some new arrangements of the piece, made more time for a sax solo and recorded a special version without the sax part for The Prophet, so he can do his recording. Locutus
  2. Thanks for your help and feedback everybody. I will try to contact the guy neblix suggested. I gave some of the examples on his homepage a quick listen and I must say I am quite impressed. Seems like he is doing this professionally. Anyway, I'll let you guys know of my progress. cya
  3. Hi everybody, recently (well, actually a while ago) I submitted one of my arrangements for the game Crusader of Centy. Unfortunately, the song was rejected, despite the generally encouraging feedback, the main criticism being sample quality of the lead instruments (saxophone and trumpet): http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=25908 As was suggested by one of the reviewers, I am now in search of someone who is willing and able to record some real saxophone or trumpet tracks for my arrangement. You can listen to my remix here: http://www.traxinspace.com/song/37350 If you can play either the sax or trumpet (trombone would be ok too), I'd certainly like to hear from you. Also, if you have suggestions on improving the arrangement or you want to add a nice solo that you have in mind, I am totally open to suggestions. Thanks! Christoph
  4. Hello, Despite this thread is very old, I wanted to let you know, that I tried myself on a remix of that game: http://www.traxinspace.com/song/37350 I suggest, you download it, since streaming quality of the preview is very bad. Here's also an excerpt from the original: http://www.traxinspace.com/download/123081/soleil_orig.mp3 Let me know, how you like it. - Locutus
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