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Everything posted by 1CC

  1. Bumpity bump bump. The one and only bump I'll provide to my request. I guess that after 88 views, if no one could help me, then no one will. But if you guys don't mind, I'll try just once more. Just in case some blessed soul stumbles upon this thread, this time around, and actually knows the song.
  2. I'll spare you the (long) story. I've been trying to find that music for years now.. Years. All I know is that it's similar to Vampire Saga (N.E.X.T.), the theme song for Slayer in the Korean version of Guilty Gear XX. And when I say similar, it means: a thousand times better. Years, people. Years. If you manage to find that, or you have any idea where to get it.. Well.. I won't be able to thank you enough.
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