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The Insane Rocker

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Posts posted by The Insane Rocker

  1. As a musician...well, I got a 1 on my vocal solo when I was in high school my senior year...I brought down the house with an acoustic version of Staind's Epiphany for a pops concert...and I'm moving to Canada soon to join a rock band. Yeah, I'd say I'm doing pretty well.

    My best personal achievement is hitting an F#. I can actually go a little higher than that now, I think, but doing my best James LaBrie impersonation is still a lot of fun for me. YouTube Dream Theater's Learning To Live F# to see what I'm talking about.

  2. When I read the news, I felt like something inside me was yanked out and stomped on mercilessly. I didn't know Reuben, but I knew his music, and The Place We Knew will always have a very special place in my heart. If someone can explain to me why I cried (and in fact am still crying as I type this up) I would be eternally grateful, but if someone who never had any contact with Reuben outside of his music is so moved by his passing, I can't even think about what his family and friends are going through right now.

    My thoughts and prayers are extended to all of you who lost more than I with his passing. I hope you can find solace in knowing that his presence will live on forever in his music, but there is only so much that scales and notes can do to fill the void he left behind.

    And to Reuben, who I'm certain is reading all of this, I would like to say thank you. Rest in peace, my friend, and may your music be eternal.

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