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Posts posted by TalahRama

  1. I just recently moved into an apartment with my girlfriend and we need a TV -- but we're wondering whether or not to get a projector instead. Our price range is up to about $1000. The advantage to a projector is that we can fill an entire wall with a screen. But the down side is that we plan on using it pretty heavily, which would mean frequent replacement of the lamp, which tends to run in the hundreds of dollars range.


  2. Yeah, I already found that, I was just wondering if anyone had an idea as to who this most badass person is. If someone is posting awesome videogame related stuff around Boston, I'd like to know who this person is. And hug him/her.

    [EDIT] The minimum amount of stickers is 500 from that guy. That means 499 are still around?

  3. I was wondering if anybody has any information pertaining to a "Hip Tanaka For Governor" sticker I saw in downtown Boston recently. I saw it while walking around with my girlfriend and almost peed myself. I think it's probably from the same guy who made a little Mega Man on a light post. So, information? If you want a picture, I'll upload it to somewhere.

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