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Posts posted by RoyTheFlamboyant

  1. Huh. With over 20,000 members, I certainly see why a good introduction goes a long way. xD I'll try not to be tl;dr...

    Name's Katie, RTF is my gamertag for Smash Brothers (Melee) which I play religiously with my crew. We travel for tournaments 'cause we're nerds. I play a lot of fighting games, actually, my second most-played genre being music/rhythm, I'd say. I'm an avid beatmania fan (even though I suck at it), and probably suck more at Pop'n Music than I think. I also like to do artstuffs with whatever I can get my hands on- but it's mostly boiled down to photoshop because I'm poor, and, well, I already have it, so it costs me nothing, ha.

    Now something maybe you're interested in- musical background! I grew up in a large family of musicians on my father's side. I've been exposed to live music since before I was even born. I grew up with ample access to multiple instruments, but I gravitated towards the piano. I've been playing it for probably sixteen, seventeen years of my life. I'm self-taught, can play things easily by ear, and have not only found great inspiration in classical greats such as Beethoven and Bach, but I'm also moved by the works of Koji Kondo, Yuki Iwai, Bun Bun, Masato Nakamura, blah blah, you don't care. xD

    I unashamedly rock out to 8-bit chiptunes and classical music, but I really listen to everything under the sun.

    Hope you can find room for me here, I'd love to actually put up a mix some day. :D

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