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Posts posted by Reddimus

  1. Requesting a new Ghost Robot Tsurami (Mystical Ninja), Castle Ryugu (regular, not water), and Castle Edo (Great Adventure). If you're interested I can send you Tsurami--I'm waiting to see if someone'll email me the other two (CD quality!), and in the case he does I'll get them to you.

    I really appreciate remixes that stay true to the original, keeping the very catchy and important parts in clear reference. Rock, and Techno mainly, .. though some Techno can border on Trance, I do not like heavy Trance.

    Thanks :<






  2. New guy here, I just discovered this place a few days ago and I love it.

    D/L'd the Sonic 3 & Knuckles album. I was a bit disappointed in that I couldn't find a traditional remix of Hydrocity 2 after quickly skimming the beginning of all the tracks, but I just left a few of them playing tonight and after Walk on Water got to the classic parts, it just blew my mind. Incredible! I'm grateful for this awesome piece.

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