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  1. Ok i cant wait to hear it you know what if you need to loop it to 5 min ish yes im greedy that way i dont have to play it again when listening to it on the fly.
  2. Sweet thanks in advance for taking a shot at this it means alot. here is the midi file . http://gh.ffshrine.org/files/snes/Super%20Mario%20Kart/bowser_castle__2_.mid
  3. Well after years and years of playing mario kart i think its time i man up and request a remix of Bowsers Stage.*to lazy to go request it* Techno/Rock/AlternativeRock/ or just plain old Fast Paced with a nice touch of bass. if you can get it to be 3min+ would be awesome *Don't care if you loop it once or twice maybe even thrice* if you need a link here you go . http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/mmenchac/SuperMarioKart/07%20Bowser%20Castle.mp3
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