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Posts posted by Mewtwo

  1. I forgot I even had an account on these forums but I chimed in just to say how much I love this project. You guys did an amazing job with this. I was waiting for something like this since Kong in Concert. This whole project is so diverse -- this is definitely my favorite OCR project, as great as many others are. Usually there are at least a few songs in a project that I'm not all that into, but that isn't the case with Serious Monkey Business. In all honesty, I think you all made great tracks, although I do prefer some songs way more than others. I'm not a reviewer or anything obviously, I just wanted to praise the artists for their work. Djpretzel's track, Sturm und Kong, did a great job building up an epic feel for the fittingly epic album that was to follow.

    I strongly disagree with those bashing the vocal tracks since those were mostly my favorites. One thing I loved about the vocal tracks is they made the songs feel more connected to the game's story IMO.

    "A New Place" is definitely my favorite song in the album. It really blew me away. Everyone involved made such an amazing track. The vocals really do add to it and tell a story and I can see what Nicole was saying there. The lyrics are very emotional and added such a touching feeling to an already great track .It reminds me of how closely Diddy and Dixie stick together throughout the game even though they're being attacked by hostile reptiles and barraged with dangerous obstacles. It adds a deep perspective to that situation. 2:45 and onward really hit me hard; that's my favorite part of the original track and the guitar added with the unique vocals sweetened the deal. It has such a romantic and serene vibe to it. Excellent job on this one. I can't stop listening to it.

    And I just wanted to say that the death metal track was also fucking awesome. I know death metal isn't some peoples' cup of tea, but it really does take talent. Growling like that takes a fair amount of skill, and the genre chosen for K. Rool's song fits his character as well as the theme really well. The lyrics are comedic and awesome, K. Rool's commentary, like "A New Place" makes you feel more connected to the game's story rather than just the music itself. The part at the end is kind of random, but it isn't bad, it just caught me a little off-guard. I thought maybe the song was going to transfer into a second song, which would have been neat if it weren't so close to the end of the album. Overall, I think this track was an interesting and well-done deviation from the rest of the album. It makes sense that K. Rool's battle theme would contrast with the rest of the album, don't you think? I feel like it did a nice job concluding the album right before David Wise's ending song.

    Flickerfall also did a nice job with the remix of Snow-bound Land. I may not know what's being said, but that doesn't take away from anything at all. I can appreciate the beauty of Latin choirs without knowing what's being said. I'm no stranger to music sung in foreign languages and the vocalist has a very nice voice. It has a catchy, pop-like charm to it, making it easy to get the song stuck in my head. I like the upbeat "icey" theme it sounds like you guys were going for. Just out of curiosity, what do the lyrics mean in English?

    Tepid's "Crystal Swamp" also blew me away. I was hit with nostalgia at 1:15. Damn, this one is also one of my top favorites. It sounds very magical and beautiful. I really appreciate what's been done with this song. Very fresh

    And I was stoked to see that David Wise, the man behind the original songs which largely contributed to the game's atmosphere, had actually made a track for this. It has that triumphant ending feel to it, coming right after the standoff with K. Rool. Dammit Nintendo, it's time to make a new DK game and put this man in charge of the soundtrack.

    you peeps really outdid yourselves with this project. This is a quality compilation. I really just wanted to come in and say some things that hadn't already been said and give some feedback on a few of my favorite songs. anyway, I'm out. thanks for the music

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