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Posts posted by elpato

  1. Really not digging the percussion at all. The gated synth is also pretty tiresome on this track.

    I dont like how the drums fit into everything, and I really think that gated synth is distracting.

    The rest of it is okay. Samples are a bit lackluster. The synths are for the most part nice. I dont like the choir, or the cliche dynamic drops.

    Overall the production on this is passable as far as I am concerned.

    Something I do like is how this is very close to the original which is a very different approach to remixing than I have heard on this site. It doesnt seem to stray from the source material at all and thats really great.

    Sometimes the chords rub me the wrong way. The bass is a little heavy at times and shakes my floor too much.

    Its enjoyable but not something I would play on repeat, or when I have guests.


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