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Posts posted by Cato

  1. I agree with what Gecko said a few pages back: people that use 'warez' most likely weren't going to buy the product anyway, so the company doesn't technically lose anything.

    Personally, in the future, I'd just like my music to be distributed, so I wouldn't mind people downloading. Of course that would probably be different if I worked at a software company or something. It would be a 2nd profession too, so as long as I'd have income I'd be cool with it; at least I think so, I know a lot of things can change when stuff gets financially rough.

    I don't know, I'm an advocate of making music for people to hear it, not to pay me off. Maybe that's old school.

  2. Update: pajo

    Tried to incorporate feedback as much as possible. Took off some high-mids, made the drums more prominent, and tried to use more track separation and in general make it sound better. Think there's about 2 minutes more than last time too. Not quite done, but it's getting there.

    Again, any criticism is welcome as my goal is to make this as good as possible so don't hold back! EQ tips are also always appreciated.

    Check it out and thanks for listening!

  3. Thanks for listening guys! My remix vocab isn't very great so I have a few questions to truly be able to implement your guys' ideas.

    When you say it's heavy on the mid highs, what kHz range is that? (10 khz about right? or lower?

    I did a little work on it today and implemented the suggestions, one thing though that I have basically no understanding of is compression, if anyone could give me summary of that it would be greatly appreciated. I'll update the mix in a bit when there's been more progress.

  4. Hey guys. I'm uploading the remix I've been working on for the last few days to hopefully get some pointers and feedback. It's a metalish version of Time's Scar from Chrono Cross (Yeah lol, I screwed up the thread title - must have been listening to some CT when I posted XD) ; I'm thinking of using the old Symphonic Orchestra VST a little more prominently though once the metal instruments have a solid foundation, but I'm not sure if it'd fit.


    Updated link:



    So again, I'd like to say thanks to anyone that listens and ALL feedback is greatly appreciated. If you have any production / EQ / etc tips that would be awesome.

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