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  1. can someone please make a remix from the game "empire of steel" or also known as "Batwings", "battlewings","steel emipire" any song will do and any genre to although preferebly i would like to hear a techno or drum and bass mix but im not fussy please please please can someone do this ive been coming here for five years and nothing, so i decided to sign up and ask, please can someone hear me out as that game seriously has some good music if or when anyone does decide to make one please can they email me at recklessrampage@hotmail.com sorry i know its a sad email. . . whats sader is that im 18 and im still using it. thanks guys
  2. can someone please make a remix from the game "empire of steel" or also known as "Batwings", "battlewings","steel emipire" any song will do and any genre to although preferebly i would like to hear a techno or drum and bass mix but im not fussy please please please can someone do this ive been coming here for five years and nothing, so i decided to sign up and ask, please can someone hear me out as that game seriously has some good music if or when anyone does decide to make one please can they email me at recklessrampage@hotmail.com sorry i know its a sad email. . . whats sader is that im 18 and im still using it. thanks guys
  3. Hi I need some one to make a song for my movie can someone please make a remix from the game "empire of steel" or as its known in japan "Batwings" any song will do and any genre to although preferebly i would like to hear a techno or drum and bass mix but im not fussy please please please can someone do this ive been coming here for five years and nothing, so i decided to sign up and ask, please can someone hear me out as that game seriously has some good music if or when anyone does decide to make one please can they email me at recklessrampage@hotmail.com sorry i know its a sad email. . . whats sader is that im 18 and im still using it.
  4. hi there my first ever post on what looks like a dead community hope someone will get this can someone please make a remix from the game "empire of steel" or as its known in japan "Batwings" any song will do and any genre to although preferebly i would like to hear a techno or drum and bass mix but im not fussy please please please can someone do this ive been coming here for five years and nothing, so i decided to sign up and ask, please can someone hear me out as that game seriously has some good music if or when anyone does decide to make one please can they email me at recklessrampage@hotmail.com sorry i know its a sad email. . . whats sader is that im 18 and im still using it. thanks guys
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