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Seven Force

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Posts posted by Seven Force

  1. This game was, and still is, one of my most favorite games of all time. In fact, shortly after discovering this website, I was looking under "D" for this game, and was saddened to see no entries for poor Dynamite Headdy.

    Some remixes for these songs could be the greatest things in this world. Such as it was mentioned before: a "You're Izayoi" hard metal remix would sound fantasatic, and a piano-only version of "A Ballad for You" would be absolutely B-E-A-utiful. A rock version of Sky High would also...i'm drooling, here.

    Believe me, if I knew the first thing about remixing music, i'd jump on it in a heartbeat.

    Bumping this to say this is the best idea ever and i agree with all of the above! If I had the sheet music for "A Ballad for You" i'd probably start playing :( ill just have to play by ear instead :P

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