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Posts posted by Jovix

  1. My dad has been playing guitar for a while now and has decided to learn how to solo; before this he primarily played rhythm or finger picked. He is looking for something to help him understand when to use certain scale or pentatonic patterns, and how to predict which ones to use. He has had no formal training, and instead primarily learned by playing songs. If anyone could point me in the right direction, or suggest some books or something I would be appreciative. I should also point out that he is primarily interested in simply learning how to do this on guitar, and doesn't want to devote an enormous amount of time learning music theory that won't be applicable. Thanks in advance.

  2. I guess it's up to the mixers, really, but I for one think there's way too few vocal mixes on the site and in the projects as it is.

    I tend to usually stick to mixes from games that I know, but is there a list of all mixes with vocals? I usually like to have something to sing along too, and it's always interesting to see how and what people incorporate into their mixes.

  3. And the Song when u fight Dialga/Palkia should be added to the list. Its starts with that mean piano riff thats makes the fight so epic.

    I thought the exact same thing. There's a remixed version of it in Brawl that rocks to the max. Freakin' epic.

  4. Hey guys, I recently joined a local band as the keyboardist/ backup vocalist. I've had an AX-7 for a while now that I've used to play stuff on my computers, but now I'm looking to use it during our performances. [it's come in handy a few times during practices when the drumset is out of commission and the drummer has to play on my keyboard, while I'll play keyboard parts with the AX-7.] I have a Roland Juno-G that functions as my sound engine, but I am at a loss on how to select patches with the AX-7. More specifically, how to select patches outside of the General Midi ones the AX-7 is preprogrammed with. If I select a patch on the Juno-G, the AX-7 will play it fine, but as soon as the patch is changed on the AX-7, the Juno will receive the patch change, and select the cheesy sounding Midi stuff. I've searched for a while now, but documentation on this thing is hard to come by, and when you do, it's all very basic stuff.

    So, I guess what it boils down to is how can I configure my AX-7 so that I can specify a sound font (I think is the correct term) on the Juno-G to a certain patch on my AX-7.

    (As an aside, I have a basic understanding of MIDI, and can identify some things such as note velocity, pitch, and volume, by other concepts not so much.) Any help would be greatly appreciated, whether it is a firsthand account, or if you could point me in the right direction. Thanks in advance guys.

  5. Or is he just running pre-recorded midi's through his keyboards soundbanks and speakers?
    This is exactly what the setup is. He downloaded some songs off of a free internet MIDI database (which I think were originally intended for cell phones) to use as backing tracks, and has them running through the keyboard's "sound engine". He does this as he dislikes the sound of the regular MIDI patches because they don't sound real enough.
    you may want to explore replacing your current internal soundcard
    It'd be the way I'd choose to go, except for the fact that the computer I do all this stuff on is a laptop. I'm not sure if this on-board audio, but would a replace sound card still be cheaper than one of these boxes.

    The setup is essentially this:

    The Juno-G has the MIDI files stored internally and plays them using its sound engine and then I run the audio out from the keyboard's headphones jack into the laptop's Microphone jack. I suspect the adapters are causing problems as well as the low end internal soundcard.

    I also have a Peavey mixer, but I don't see any benefit from running the signal through that.

  6. This is more a question on behalf of a family member, and I wanted to know what your guys opinions are. My father (As do I) plays guitar, and has expressed a desire for good backing tracks for accompaniment. He has been playing MIDIs through a Juno-G keyboard, but he desires a different solution due to a a few complications. First and foremost, the keyboard is kinda big. Secondly, the keyboard frequently behaves strangely, such as strange patch selections and errors. I attempted to record the stereo-out from the keyboard into a Mic jack in my laptop, but noise is present in my recording (Audacity). He has called up a salesman at Musician's Friend, and thinks he might buy what he calls a "digital converter box". To me it sounds like an external soundcard, that merely plugs in through USB. His main concern is to eventually have the backing tracks on an mp3 player, for ease of transportation, and any suggestions you guys can provide would be extremely welcomed. Thanks in advance.

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