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  1. Here's an updated version: http://www.cs.grin.edu/~dangelod/mystuff/mymusic/remixes/links-awakening-remix-3.mp3 The song now includes Tal Tal Mountain, the Staff roll, and the Overworld from Link's Awakening. Sorry for the little blip at the beginning I hope it has improved. It obviously still needs work though. Thanks for the feedback
  2. This is my first time doing anything like this so I'd like some feedback. It isn't close to being done, but I figured I should get some criticisms before I got too much farther. So far the song is a rock version of Tal Tal Mountain and the Overworld from Link's Awakening. http://www.cs.grin.edu/~dangelod/mystuff/mymusic/remixes/links-awakening-remix.mp3 Thanks
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