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Everything posted by ekikoo

  1. I feel bad to bump my own stuff but a little updated version http://ekikoo.viive.fi/wip.mp3 Thanks for the comments.
  2. Removed that hizz already. No shores wanted here edit: It might be a bit quieter now, but maybe more dynamic...
  3. This is truly in-progress. http://ocrwip.fireslash.net/?fid=107 http://ekikoo.viive.fi/wip.mp3 edit: The latter server might have some problems unfortunately... Hope it gets on it's feet soon etc. Very loyal to the source-> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BsHNK87lvUQ&fmt=18 It seems to have that fine sound of unregistered ToxicIII, but I might remove it Production might be pretty balls right now, but all feedback is needed! Especially regarding arrangement/interpretation. Thanks!
  4. I started this in November 2008, but somehow lost interest temporarily. I had a topic for the old version somewhere down there, but I felt that maybe I coud start a new one since the old one was pretty much different blah... Recently I dug up this project and tried to finish it somehow, this is how it turned out http://ekikoo.viive.fi/A%20New%20Morning.mp3 Pros, cons anyone? Thanks! Source (0:11->): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hW2ubzUf-4c&
  5. ---------------------
  6. edit: Old information scrapped
  7. Hello, I made a little piece a while ago: http://ekikoo.viive.fi/olymp.mp3 ( Source: )Don't mind the production, the basslines and sounds, everything's incomplete. I'm having trouble deciding what do to after that, should it be a medley-type, introducing some other song from the game, which one etc. The song doesn't contain much interpretation so far, but maybe I'll figure something out. Feel free to comment, thanks!
  8. Sorry for bumping, but I've made some changes here and there. It's now on the "to be judged"-list, it's likely that they'll stamp NO on it with smart feedback of course. I was still thinkig of you people could be bothered to criticize it more Thanks. http://ekikoo.viive.fi/Half%20Shell%20Medley.mp3 The file's host site may be performing site maintenance, sorry if the link doesn't work 24/7
  9. All feedback is welcome, and no I don't take offence since I know this is certainly no masterpiece Thanks. Some changes I made: The bass in Technodrome is slightly altered, Sewer-stage drumming has an attempt of a 'build-up'
  10. I listened to some of the Sixto/Zircon-mixes, they really sound 'fresh' as mine has a flu. I'm a total novice when it comes to mixing & mastering, but I sure would like to know how to improve my skills. How does Sixto record the guitars, miked amp? This is by far the best quality I can get when using coaxial s/pdif from GT8... edit: I visited Sixto's website, and I no longer wonder why he produces top-quality stuff
  11. Thanks for the feedback, appreciated! I made some slight changes here and there: http://ekikoo.viive.fi/Half%20Shell%20Medley.mp3 Mostly the snare drum and a little tweak with the bass...I believe it's still not enough but I try to learn from mistakes... 'cheers'.
  12. I made these humble guitar-based 'remixes' of some Turtles2 (NES) songs, and eventually decided to string them up into a medleyish form. I recorded guitars with Boss Gt-8 using Cubase SX2 and a couple of VSTis. It is likely that this doesn't meet the OCR quality standards, but if you liked the music in that game, please enjoy... http://ekikoo.viive.fi/Half%20Shell%20Medley.mp3
  13. Hello, I recall this game had some nice sounding music, and I already checked the Port of Adia remix and I like it very much. There was this one level called The River of Souls, the music during that level really sounds beautiful and stuff, you know. The original ( ) is awesome, but it would be far better with altered percussion ( drumkit perhaps?) instead of those jungle beats. Flutes and guitar mixed in there would make a masterpiece! If anyone gets inspired by that tune, I'd be more than happy to hear something described above... Thanks!
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