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Posts posted by MstrSwrd

  1. This is the first serious remix I've heard of this song; the other ones involved Ronald McDonald or something like that. Very well done though, an excellent job.

    With all due respect, you aren't looking hard enough. Trust me, over just the past week, I've heard at least 250 Touhou mixes (to be fair, Touhou Kouroumu 6 did just occur, so there's a severe influx of arranges (new Xi-on. Hell yeah!) right now).

    Anyway, now that I've succeeded in making myself look like a complete Touhoufag (which I won't deny being...) yes, I would like to say that this is a very good mix of the song.

    Also, remember, she's not just a Psychotic girl who can kill you will looking like a 12 year old, she a Psychotic Vampire with wings of iron and crystal with the wand/sword of a Norse God. She can also make you explode by making a fist... and she looks like she's 12. Oy vay.

    This site needs more Touhou mixes. Remixers! Make it happen (I would if I had any musical talent to speak of. I don't, so I'm reliant upon others for the awesome).

    Oh, and djpretzel, when you get a chance, go play the Touhou games. Chances are, we won't hear from you for several months.

  2. Yeah! Another Touhou remix. Seriously, I think there are more good remixes of Touhou music on the net then all of the good remixes from all games on this site put together (and this site only has good remixes, so... yeah).

    Note that the above isn't an insult, but instead me saying "F-ck yeah, more Touhou. More Touhou is always a good thing." And it is. More Touhou can only result in awesome.

    I wonder, as the games slowly gain dominance in everywhere else other than Japan (took long enough), if instead of the literally hundreds of remix cds you can buy, or, since they are usually sold out, the hundreds of gigs of remixes that you can torrent (it's probably at a terrabyte, by now), if people will instead just post them here, instead.

  3. more of ParagonX9's work at http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/view.php?id=198486

    and for the song, I've been following ParagonX9's work for a long time now and this isn't one of his best tracks (see Danger Ahead) but I still enjoyed it because I'm a very big SM64 fan.

    I was going to mention that, but, good, someone else already did.

    Anyway, cool, I had forgotten you had an account here. Great remix... a little repetitive at the end, but, eh, who cares. Still fun to listen to.

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