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  • Real Name
    Raheem Jarbo
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  • Collaboration Status
    2. Maybe; Depends on Circumstances
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  1. What up y'all.... been away for some time, between touring and recording new music, but I'm back to let you guys know about the remixes to last year's Black Materia project that we're releasing on Tuesday, 1/31. I listened to the people who asked that I add characters that I omitted, like Cait Sith (feat. Adam Warrock), Yuffie (see ) Vincent (feat. RoQy TyRaiD of Writer's Guild) and many more. I even listened to the people who said certain songs were too short, so there's more of pretty much everything. Check out these preview videos, and even feel free to preorder. See you guys at PAX, or hopefully before, I'm starting a pretty big tour next month. More on that on my site. I watch from a distance... and I like what I hear guys.. you inspire me in so many ways! Thank you and keep it up! Black Materia: The Remixes Trailer #1 Black Materia: The Remixes Trailer #2 Free download of "Ninja Girl" Pre-order link If that's not enough, my partner K-Murdock is dropping "Hero Muzik," a tribute to what many people (even me deep down) consider to be the best FF, Final Fantasy 6 (3 US). He'll be releasing instrumental versions of each character theme. check those out! http://neosonix.bandcamp.com/album/hero-muzik-vol-1 an
  2. in celebration of "AVALANCHE" hitting 5000 likes, we've go a present. save 50% on the CD or the digital download of Black Materia. go here: http://goo.gl/JOZKq then input these codes 5000likes (download) 5000likesCD (CD) then, save $!!! just for today only. thanks!
  3. i hear ya man... happy to say for those on a budget like myself, there's a free version with 8 tracks on it circulating around the net right now...I don't want to link to my own forum out of respect, but its there sidebar-- you're in Mesa? just come to my show at Hidden House in Phoenix Feb 4, and I'll have one for ya there
  4. the album will release next week, but I've dropped a few leak singles, check out "Aerith" and "Mako Reactor" interested parties can download those songs here! http://random.bandcamp.com/album/black-materia-final-fantasy-vii full album out 1/31!
  5. Thanks guys! hope you enjoyed it! more to come!
  6. wow this is soooo epic
  7. yup... and i'd love to get some help putting the finishing touches in... can't say anymore, i want this to be kind of a surprise....help! PM me or hit me at randombeats at gmail.com thanks!!
  8. MIssion Accomplished. Thank You For Listening Mario something. http://megaran.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/Random-and-K-Murdock-TYFL.mp3
  9. wow here we are verrrrrrrrry close to 5k. I wanna make it! go get some cool stuff... final update video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=votwfyovtPE and yes, a track with Brentalfloss can't be too far away. just a matter of time. THANK YOU all for your donations!!
  10. wow.. in a short time we've hit $3000! so, here is a new, free track! Drop the Load (Mustin Mix) (R. Jarbo, H. Tanaka) Lyrics and Words by Mega Ran "Save/Load" from Mario Paint by Hip Tanaka Music Arranged and Performed by Mustin PRODUCED BY MUSTIN™ DOWNLOAD it: http://tinyurl.com/KSbonuscut3 plus, here are some words from Griff Morivan, genius behind Forever Famicom: The Movie. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/megaran/forever-famicom-the-nes-talgia-continues-in-a-dvd/posts/28549
  11. We're trying to put the album on vinyl and the videos on DVD... videos you say? yeah... check out Ep 1 and 2: Ep 1 - A New Day Ep 2 - Dream Master So far the response on our Kickstarter has been amazing. Check it out and see the levels and rewards you can get.... WOW! http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/megaran/forever-famicom-the-nes-talgia-continues-in-a-dvd since we hit $1000 today, I promised to unload a previously never before heard track, and here it is.. "Cheetahs Never Win" Produced by DCT (SonicSkillz) Music from Cheetahmen 2 Lyrics by Random Additional Vocals by Rufus Pipes Mixed by Random @ Random House Studios, Phoenix, AZ Inspiration by McSteve voila! http://megaran.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/Cheetahs-Never-Win.mp3
  12. i can't say much about this, other than get ready! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Ry71UG9b6U subscribe for more updates!
  13. been on the road for a while, so sorry for not updating you guys, but all of the FF bonus stuff is available in a set called "Forever Famicom DLC." enjoy. http://megarankmurdock.bandcamp.com/ only 8 are listed, but there's a loooooooooooooot of stuff there!! ALSO, for any remixers out there.... We're releasing the singles in a capella form... the first 2 are here: Dream Master: files.me.com/kmurdock79/383w9l.mp3 Epoch: files.me.com/kmurdock79/zknvon.mp3
  14. hey dude!!! small e-world.. man.. E3 was awesome!! I wish I had the time to blog about everything that went on.. the actual expo wasn't mind blowing, but we met some cool people and made some great connections that are starting to pan out, already! more on that as it comes!
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